Thursday, January 06, 2005

Day Three: The Blizzard

Ok, so it wasn't a blizzard. Five inches of snow in Boston in January. Hell, they don't run "Winter Storm Warning" on the TV, and there's no weatherman tag-teams talking about how bad it is. "It's snowing. Deal with it. On more important news, the evil Yankees signed Randy Johnson."

Warehouse... Sit on hands waiting for the FedEx guy with our tags and ribbons. Still no real decision on how to handle the inventory problems. During the conference calls, everyone is so happy with the conversion. My team admits to some discrepancies, but they're not concerned.

"Should we try to change our travel arrangements to leave Friday night?" "Gee, Tom, I don't know. Let me talk to someone later, and we'll see."

Bank... "It should clear out overnight." I have $24.

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